Monday 29 April 2013

Spec Ops: The Line --- Tragic "Hero"

I didn't know this game even existed until I borrowed this game by friend. I played the game with no expectations at all. But after i completed it, i just got caught in it's warp.

The game had the most unique element in it which were achieved only by few games.

Most of the war games that had great outing focused mainly upon the SHOOT AND KILL persona of the protagonist.  But they fail to reveal the mental and physical trauma, he undergoes in order to get things right.

The ordeal he must face before he kills anyone, the lengths he must travel to get past his mission....

Spec Ops - just dazzles here. It scores a perfect 10 in the portrayal of the characters....


                    Dubai is hit by worst storms ever. Big Shots of the city escape leaving the common man stranded in the desert storm. Captain Konrad, friend and mentor of Walker owes to save the citizens with decorated 33rd battalion. But no news come from or from his fellow mates. But Weeks later, US Army receives distress call from Konrad and sends Walker along with Lugo and Adams as partners to rescue........

What seemed to be a Simple rescue mission ... turns into a unimaginable horror !!!!

Sunday 31 March 2013



WTF ..... These were the words that i iterated again and again after i watched BattleField 4.


No other game has been able to knock me off the chairs while played, but BF4 threw me out with a bewildering gasp.

I was elevated to high peaks (still to come down) with its power of technical brilliance.

It was hard for me to believe, whether I was watching a real battle or its the game. Such was the quality DICE had put up to display.

EA announced that it has used all of its FrostBite 3 capacity to build such visuals and it was evident in the gameplay.


FISHING IN BAKU - made me felt like I was in as real battlefield fighting against mountains of enemies along with fellow soldiers Irish,Sergeant Dunn and Pac.

It took nearly a week to get BattleField out of my mind and 


        Gameplay sequence starts with "Wrecker" - protagonist along with his fellow mates Dunn, Pac and Irish  on a jeep, drowning. Dunn orders Wrecker to shoot the driver glass to escape while others reject this order.
                Suddenly, game rewinds 17 minutes showing the events that led them to their drowning.

Gameplay packs up all the elements like Adrenaline pumping gun fights, nerve wrecking copter battle and brain smashing car chase and it literally uses all the nail biting elements, leaving nothing behind. 

The final cut scenes promised us with more nail bitters like car-crashing and sea battle.

Battlefield 4 promises us that there is more in the stores to be delivered to us. Which, I am sure that it well has !!!

Friday 22 March 2013

S # ! T Happens

   S#!T things happens to all of us ... But it's time of occurrence always hurts us the most.

 The most you expect ... Least you get is the worst thing that disappoints you to the core.

The Games are not exception to this topic. It pulled out astonishing surprises as well as produced shit that was shocking to all of us. Even the reputed have fallen into this pit hole.

What I mean here is the sequels (crappy ones) to the best games that we have ever played in our life. Those sequels were bad to the extent that even ruined the game's reputation, hurting the industry where it pains.

Lets us see the TOP #3 shit sequels that destroyed everything it owned...

Monday 18 March 2013

Ascension Descending


"GOD OF WAR", the Epic Game which never failed in presenting us an unusual experience of awe and wonder is back to make the audience sink into its world.

ASCENSION is the latest outing of blood busy kratos in Greece to kill Ares to free his bond to Gods.


Story traces Ares trickery on kratos to kill his family. In fury, Kratos refuses to abide by Ares making him the target of imprisonment by Three Furies. In Prison, With Help of Oath Keeper Orkos, Kratos learns about Ares evil plans to overthrow Olympus and escapes from prison. He starts his bloody quest and ends by killing all the three furies, but fate has some other plans for him....

Story has much emphasis on Kratos's emotional side which we havenot experienced in previous games, but the question is that "Has the emotional content has been crafted well?"

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Charted ...Not Yet


GAMING world has expanded its territories to unimaginable lengths and is still expanding.

It reached places where no one could ... it defined boundaries for others to reach and travel beyond,
grazed upon rough terrains to achieve everything that was out.

On the whole, Games have always thrived hard to explore new worlds and themes...

BUT STILL,   There are worlds that are uncharted and waiting to be explored ...

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Assassins Creed - Black Flag

'Assassins' - The name has always been used to despise bad people until Ubisoft made a dramatic 'U' turn with its masterpiece, making the word as cult classic.

Ubisoft furnished us with 5 installments which made us to glue ourselves to our seats even after the credits rolled out.

Now, The Sixth Installment "ASSASSINS CREED : BLACK FLAG" is just about to arrive with monument sized actions and adventures which promises us for yet another roller coaster ride..


Black Flag same as its previous installments has its setting in 2 places. One place is the present life scenario and other one takes place in the past, where actions of any place influences the other leading to an event chain reaction.

In present scenario, the player is called by Abstergo industries to use animus for examining memories of assassin. Abstergo particularly asks the player to focus on the memories of Edward Kenway, a notorious pirate living in the Golden Age of Piracy. The story set in the Caribbean and uses ship explorations with combat and land adventures in Caribbean islands.

But Questions are spread out, 

Why the memories of Kenway in particular?
What Abstergo holds that we don't know?
What will they do after they retrieve his memories?


Wednesday 27 February 2013

Brother - Always

Link My Previous Post :

As We already know the questions. Let us now know the answer to them.

Remember that Answer need not always be a happy one.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

PS4 : At Last .........


Sony Unveiled  its latest Playstation 4 officially live during the NewYork Feb 20 event. But no physical console was display but the DualShock Controller 4 and a slew of game-play and trailer demos turned the event from Routine to Revolution !!!

Read The Revolution .........

Tuesday 19 February 2013


I am coming to u

Lets pack up our business faster or delay it further .............
S... Guys , today is the date (Feb 20)...

God..Please announce Ps4
 Sony Playstation is launching its new event regarding the future of the playstation course ............

High expectations steer up , as the event might be the launch pad for Sony Ps4 or Orbis (Whatever !!! Who Cares )

Event time : Feb 20 , 2013
Time         : 6.00pm (EST)

Check out for live blogging .................. Pray for PS4 to be announced....

Monday 18 February 2013

Brother .........

Your brother will always be your bestest friend even though you are like opposite poles ......

Be it a friendly chat or a fierce fight , a brother always covers your back whatever happens ....

Lets take our camera to focus on two brothers Ethan and Joe , Ethan is the elder brother in the family ...
Both live in Future Earth - A.U.R.A City. 
Both are like Bread and Butter to each other ... They care for each other like no one ever does ........


Sunday 17 February 2013

My First Game - Catch Up !

Catch UP !!!

Catch Up ... My First(simple) Android Game ...

The Last ( Lost ) Guardian


Who could forget the Playstation 2 Epics 'Ico' and 'Shadow of the colossus' ... Both games carved themselves a place in the player's heart.. and were trendsetters in puzzle genre.

The ' Team Ico ', creative team behind these games was appreciated and honored with prestigious awards.

When they announced their new game   'THE LAST GUARDIAN'. 

Expectations heated up to the sky and every gamer ever since waited for its release to grab it .... Everyone believed the game would salvage its competitors with it's stunning game play...


Friday 15 February 2013

Vishwaroopam - Kamal's Avatar


Before blogging my view , my hand resisted not to type it as the blog is concerned with games but not about movies. 
But my mind smashed my resistance like storm ... Here i am typing my view off the topic......


Vishwaroopam narrates a story of a kathak dancer settled in USA with his wife. The problem here is that his wife needs a divorce in order to pursue her studies (PHD). She appoints a private detective to tail his activities, so as to catch him in illegal acts to reason her divorce. But the Real problem arises now leading both of them into a void revealing darker secrets than she bargained for  ...

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Bio ... Shock Infinite


Irrational Games buckles up for its next release BioShock Infinite, an epic addition to its series.

The Creators of famous Game series "BioShock" is all set to storm the gaming world with its first person shooter pitching its power to new heights.

Wednesday 6 February 2013



The game I am posting about right now may or may not be familiar to most of us ... If you have known it , you are lucky to play it. If not , just rush to nearest store and grab it like a croc..

LIMBO - A game whose title may not be appealing to most of us... but as we always know
                        " A BOOK CANNOT BE JUDGED BY ITS COVER "

The game packs up a punching visuals and arts that might dazzle even the experts in gaming industry.

Sunday 3 February 2013


You are always a Happy person ... when there is a roof over your head...

Most of the world's population always are in search of a house which satisfies all their needs like hall to sit and watch , a bedroom to sleep with peace , a kitchen to make you a chef and the list goes on ..

A cool house to live which caters all your needs is always a heaven on earth for us..


 what happens when the heaven morphs into hell ??
 What if your house holds more secret than you know ?

Andre rents a new house which fits his lifestyle just like a glow , it hold all his needs but the house hold more than he know..

Will He Survive to see the next day in his life ??

Find out Yourself ...


Friday 1 February 2013

Ascension Ascending

God Of War ... The Alias name for Epic , Marvel , Awesome ... add what were great words you find in this world..

If You say you haven't heard or played this game , You must knock yourself with a stick until next birth...

God Of War Ascension .. The latest addition to this Hack and Slash Violence developed exclusively to Make you a God of Game.

Game Cover


Regarding our Story ( Who Cares ! But Still ) , It acts like a prequel to God of War Series. 
Here Kratos tries to severe ties with Ares ( Previous God Of War ) by defeating(murdering) Three furies ..

Central / Core Concept of the Game is mainly Kratos's Vengence towards Ares and his thirst for Ares blood who betrayed him by tricking him to murder his Family.. 

Also Here we can see more human nature of Kratos desperate for redemption for his sins which he committed blinded by his loyalty to Superior 


Wednesday 30 January 2013

PlayStation 4 (PS4) .. XBOX 720 Race to Next Generation

Let me ask you a Question : What do you expect from your Gaming Industry in near future ??? 

Most of your answers point towards Games which define Next-Generation as well as Consoles which defy our present (Existing) Models..

Here the ' Consoles ' refers to 3 main brain-childs of the gaming industry ... Wii U , PS4 , XBOX 720
 Since Wii-U has been released before , let's sideline it, gaining our focus on 2 consoles which fight for survival in the industry.........

Ever the release of PS3 in year 2006. There was talks regarding their future functionalities and also want for next console with pushes current limits miles from present standards. Sony allotting enormous resources towards R&D sections as well as Microsoft introducing multiple hands on features hinting about their next development cycle..

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Hitman Absolute Stun

At last , Hitman is Back.....

For a series which primarily focus on mindless action , sabotaging the place from peace to piece ..
Hitman Absolution , the latest addition to the series offers more of a brain work to the player than running into streets with a gun like a maniac.......

Hitman Absolution Game Cover
Hitman defines the stealth concept with a bang, the beauty of passing through highly guarded zones without being noticed is elevated to high levels... It provides plenty of pathways (strategies) to execute a kill .... and experiments we can perform for kill is just awesome...

Stealth mechanism has been improved a lot

 It Nails the Core Concept of Stealth Game Play But ... Still Hitman lacks the expertise in Story and Character departments which may sometimes appeals to us as Unlikable ....

Monday 28 January 2013

My Angry Birds PART 2

My Previous Post dealt with Round 1 of angry bird quiz ...

This is about Round 2 of quiz, I presented for my college symposium............

For Round 1, There were 2 Red birds each posing for a single question.... In this round , A single blue bird will be used to represent 3 questions... that is blue bird shoots into 3 birds each posing for a single question

Introduction Page is same as that of Round 1 , Here only change is that background is different ....

Saturday 26 January 2013

Super "Movie" Heros ... Sloppy "Game" Heros

Let's take a guess of how many superheros we have come across till now,  pick your names Superman, Spiderman, Batman, X-Men, Wonder woman, Antman, Ironman, Thor, Hulk ....... the list goes like a women's makeup kit (Just Kidding !). The list is endless ..........

Justice League

Taking into account of their roles in film industry, the above hero's have produced huge chunk of money and are part of multiple franchises which span over 10 - 20 years. They have placed themselves in a solid position in the movie industry both collectively as well as independently showing their popularity and power.

 According to reports of BoxOfficeMojo ,The net worth of superhero movies from the year 1978 count up to 9  billion dollars where each film has a contribution of about 100 million to its credit, which is definitely a number to tease upon.

This list is most likely to increase in the coming years which boast itself with and sequels of current franchises to increase their worth as well as new franchises trying to hold their feet in the industry.

But these hero's does not add up to their status as far as gaming industry is considered, though they have proved their presence in movies but still they are yet to prove themselves in games. Most of the superhero games focus their attention only on few heros leaving out others as they were. Even top grossing heros in movies are yet to show their faces in games.

Question is  ' Why there is so much difference even though they are same ? '  

Friday 25 January 2013

The last of Us


The last of Us is an upcoming survival game with 2 protagonists Joel and Ellie fighting against a mountain of odds to survive in an epidemic plagued city.

They must avoid infected, scavengers and other survivors who are always a threat to them. In addition to this, they are also pursued by military for unknown reasons.  


The game comes from my favorite studio "Naughty Dog" , the creators of cult hit .. THE UNCHARTED
 The game was first unveiled in public during spike video game awards in year 2011, as an exclusive addition for playstation 3. The studio also teased about it during the opening scene of Uncharted 3 where a newspaper cutting headlines about an "unknown fungus spreads while scientists are baffled about its behaviour." 

The game later was officially announced by the team and a 17 minute game-play trailer was released during E3 conference showing Ellie and Joel fighting their way against other survivors to protect themselves.

Though the game is of horror survival genre, Naughty dog confirms that it wont be type caste as typical zombie movie but , it puts it focus on father - daughter relationship.It also prances upon emotions and also ordeal they undergo to save themselves from the ever decaying city.
The game is now officially confirmed to be released on " May 7, 2013 ", exclusively for PS3

Thursday 24 January 2013


Let me start my blog about an interesting fact in our life....

Basically our life is completely made of questions .. Take an example..

After we wake up , we start the day with a question " where is my coffee ? "

Next " Where is my breakfast ? "

It goes on and on and on till the night .. as it has happened we also end the day with a question

"what i am supposed to do tomorrow ? "

Lets us analyze our life .. our life is made of basically four questions that comes from us as well as comes to us ... They always take a form of  " How? , What ? , Where ? , When ? "

A deeper dig points us to the most basic question that pushes our life forward a leaf caught in the wind is that
"What happens ??? "

Wednesday 23 January 2013

My Angry Birds .. PART 1

Inspired from Angry Birds ....

This is a simple angry bird game i designed using flash for my college symposium.Basically it is a multi-player player game where one player acts as jury ( operates the game ) while others don the role of participants.

Angry Birds Round 1 Opening Introduction

Angry Birds Selection  

The above picture is opening screen for round 1 for the participants. The four birds on each corners represent 4 different team participants. 
Each team is placed with 2 questions ( of vantage level ) where each correct answer triggers a bird to hit the pig or prize.
For wrong answer, the birds fails and bounces back after hitting the target ( Pig / Prize ).

Monday 21 January 2013

Sleeping Dogs - Great !! But Not Too

                                                                   GAME COVER

This may seem to be a late one .. But i finished the game only yesterday.
I started to play the game not with much expectations but to my surprise it grappled my gaming hook till i completed it.
Lets start the review

Sunday 20 January 2013

This is me

Hi to EveryOne ...

This is me AB typing my post pursuing my career to enter into gaming industry to become a game designer...
To be honest i was not keen on looking at the lives of people who created games i played all time..

I used to grab my pc and play on and on and on with a hunger to complete the game and look forward for next games or same game sequels with not so much interest on persons who have created a masterpiece for me..


A day came as usual for me but with a different opinion about my career.. i stumbled upon the name of creative heads at the credits of my favorite game 'yakuza' which intrigued me to dig deeper into the pathway of gaming industry..

Slowly the taste of game flowed through my blood till my head upon seeing the wonders the designers would make just from a piece of thought..

And Now,

Here i am at the bottom of gaming ladder active as a ever to steady me to climb the ladder with my passion and compassion to place myself in the field which provides a way of life to many aspirants as me..

Until next time ...  :-)