Monday 18 February 2013

Brother .........

Your brother will always be your bestest friend even though you are like opposite poles ......

Be it a friendly chat or a fierce fight , a brother always covers your back whatever happens ....

Lets take our camera to focus on two brothers Ethan and Joe , Ethan is the elder brother in the family ...
Both live in Future Earth - A.U.R.A City. 
Both are like Bread and Butter to each other ... They care for each other like no one ever does ........


But fate wanted it other way , both enroll themselves as soldiers in Boundary Warfare , but Joe is promoted faster then Ethan though both show equal competence in battle combats and drills....

Mystery surrounds Ethan , like an albatross around his neck  regarding his brother .......

Why he(Joe) is given much importance ???
Why is he promoted faster than other soldiers ???
Is he really inferior than his brother ???

Importantly. .........
What does Joe hold that he doesn't know ???

Let us know the answer to these questions in the next battle post ..........................

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