Wednesday 20 February 2013

PS4 : At Last .........


Sony Unveiled  its latest Playstation 4 officially live during the NewYork Feb 20 event. But no physical console was display but the DualShock Controller 4 and a slew of game-play and trailer demos turned the event from Routine to Revolution !!!

Read The Revolution .........

Sony's System Architect MarkCenry stated that " Development of Ps4 started 5 years ago and their major focus was to eliminate entire technical barrier among game developers ".

He also stated that PS4 - is a console "Developed by Game creators for Game Creators"

A true one , as most of the companies initially were hesistant to developed PS3 games , as it's architecture was difficult to understand and implement.

Sony's Sam Andrew quoted that " Playstation 4 will surpass even the gamers wildest expectations ."


Mark Cenry officially showcased the new PS4 DualShock Controller.
Most of the previous specifications were retained with new additions such as "Touch Screen Controller" at the center of the Controller and also the Move Controller at the top.

Extra Interesting feature is "Share" button , by which gamer can share this game-play shots as well as videos in the integrated network..

Controller also holds a jack for 'HeadSet' options and also has a Speaker near the Analog sticks.... 



Sony also officially Lined Up some big league PS4 games with game-play footage which surely knocked out everyone ..
PS4 Game Developers


Destiny , Deep Down
Infamous Second Son
Killzone Shadow Fall
Knack  , The Witness
Watch Dogs

Each Development Company Showcased their Trailers and Game-play footage displaying what it might look like in PS4. The result was just spell bounding .. The Visual Vibrance that they created were astonishing and the technical craftness were brilliant.....

Just a Glance at these trailers , would even make you believe as if it was shot in real locations , that was the feel and power of the Engine.......


Sony did not pin-point the exact Date but hinted that it would unleash it's new power in Holiday , 2013 ..

P.S : Lets discuss the system architecture in Next Power Post .

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