Friday 22 March 2013

S # ! T Happens

   S#!T things happens to all of us ... But it's time of occurrence always hurts us the most.

 The most you expect ... Least you get is the worst thing that disappoints you to the core.

The Games are not exception to this topic. It pulled out astonishing surprises as well as produced shit that was shocking to all of us. Even the reputed have fallen into this pit hole.

What I mean here is the sequels (crappy ones) to the best games that we have ever played in our life. Those sequels were bad to the extent that even ruined the game's reputation, hurting the industry where it pains.

Lets us see the TOP #3 shit sequels that destroyed everything it owned...

Who could forget the feisty princes trying to protect everyone from vicious vizier by battling out sky size odds. Yes, "THE MIGHTY SANDS OF TIME" which just made me to look at every other mythological games as childish.Ubisoft turned the sands to it's favor with the game. Everyone booted for next installment which was heartily welcomed by everyone. 
But here where Ubisoft made it's grave mistake, the hurried  it showed to present us the next one, just backfired - "WARRIOR WITHIN" had everything within it. But, it lacked the most basic thing (ie) power. The power to pull us. Warrior just couldn't contain the sand in Ubisoft's favor but tragically, he also gave away the sand that was already contained. 

Prince tried to salvage the sand by using his two thrones but instead it failed to cope up the pressure and finally was seemed to be defeated in the success race.

Dante: DMC, It disheartens me to sideline this game as it is one of the beautifully crafted set piece. When Devil may cry was released on PS2. I grabbed it up and play like a maniac again and again until my parents who were angry and snatched my controller from me. That was the game's impact on me. When DMC 2 was announced on PS2, I jumped out from my bed and waited like a baby to catch hold of it. Soon the day came, i played it and completed it. But i didn't play it play it again. After completing the game i just shelved it and started playing another. I didn't know why, but i didn't have the heart to even see the game cover again. That was my angst towards Dante which exhilarated to peak. 

Everything i thoroughly enjoyed in Dante was taken away in a snap. The cockiness in his character was ripped and was too bland. Though game-play was good. The credibility was swatted away leaving me with a lump in my heart.

This was not confined only to action-adventures ... even Racing took its beating. Remember NFS, the game that fueled our passion for speed. The high stake rollers and adrenaline pushes that we experienced while "MOST WANTED", the best outing of NFS. The game made NFS as the most wanted racing game series among all gamers including me. But sadly, the title couldn't be held for much longer. The installments like prostreet,carbon, shift, run not only ruined themselves but also crashed NFS like a rat stuck in bulldozer.
The ultra style environments and ultra cool cars are not the best ways to improve the NFS series. The game lacked story and precision to knock out me in its races. The graphics was good but what about other requirements that are too necessary for game to win.

The series according to me was both critical and commercial failure as it couldn't not match up to its predecessors. Whatever NFS did to regain its title it just sunk like a rock in water.

Hmm.. huuhhh...

Whatever has happened ... It is still not late to pull off a a great or at least good one.These series still have their potential hidden in them to break out of the losing turf and return home with a trophy to boast.

I accept that S#!T happens and we all fall in our life(including games). We can either rise up and fight to win or just mourn on the ground about our loss.


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