Wednesday 23 January 2013

My Angry Birds .. PART 1

Inspired from Angry Birds ....

This is a simple angry bird game i designed using flash for my college symposium.Basically it is a multi-player player game where one player acts as jury ( operates the game ) while others don the role of participants.

Angry Birds Round 1 Opening Introduction

Angry Birds Selection  

The above picture is opening screen for round 1 for the participants. The four birds on each corners represent 4 different team participants. 
Each team is placed with 2 questions ( of vantage level ) where each correct answer triggers a bird to hit the pig or prize.
For wrong answer, the birds fails and bounces back after hitting the target ( Pig / Prize ).


Angry Bird1 flies on to the target ..
During Opening Sequence, The bird1 flies to target

A question pops up in the midway.
In The midway, the birds halts for a popup question , that should be answered by the participant for right answer. Here the answer from the participant is listened but the jury does not reply whether it is right or wrong but he/she hits button R (Right) or W (Wrong).

For Correct Answer Bird hits first pig blasting it into pieces
For Right Answer, the bird hits the target and blows it to bits indicating answer is correct ...   Else

Damn!! You Question
For the Wrong Answer, the birds fails to hit and bounces back disappointing the participant...
This event is handled for the second bird as well ..

Download the rar file and start running "QuizIntro.swf" file to start the game.

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