Wednesday 6 February 2013



The game I am posting about right now may or may not be familiar to most of us ... If you have known it , you are lucky to play it. If not , just rush to nearest store and grab it like a croc..

LIMBO - A game whose title may not be appealing to most of us... but as we always know
                        " A BOOK CANNOT BE JUDGED BY ITS COVER "

The game packs up a punching visuals and arts that might dazzle even the experts in gaming industry.


Regarding the story , Limbo is about a boy who wanders off in a realm laid between hell and earth in search of a young woman(sister). During his journey he counters, puzzle some are just brain teasers while most of them are brain crashers. He also encounters people who are either dead or just run away while some try to kill him. 


Limbo categorically belonging to horror genre , doesn't involve much blood and gore. It puts it's focus mainly on the emotions that are prevalent around us in the form of encounters we attend to..

2-D model presenting a dark realm

Since It follows 2-D , Player cannot perform actions corresponding to 3-D movements , we are restricted to moving the boy in left and right directions as well as an extra feature of jumping.

We also can perform grab as an additional control.... 


Brain Teaser
 Limbo involves puzzles that crash our brain like a steam roller. It took me weeks to solve the puzzles at later end of the game.

If you have solved all the puzzles by yourself without any walk-through help your brain is surely best enough to compete in all international puzzle events.


 The Only drawback ( a forced one ) is that Game has short story span ... is that game play ends abruptly just after we see the girl... Since we are sucked like a vaccum cleaner into it , the game just ends while we still want more to play...


Limbo places all the best ingredients to make it just a perfect game to play .. Even hardcore gamers will be dragged deep into it's play.
Overall Limbo packs up a powerful palace of puzzles to immerse us into its realm..

RATING - 9.5/10 ..


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