Monday 29 April 2013

Spec Ops: The Line --- Tragic "Hero"

I didn't know this game even existed until I borrowed this game by friend. I played the game with no expectations at all. But after i completed it, i just got caught in it's warp.

The game had the most unique element in it which were achieved only by few games.

Most of the war games that had great outing focused mainly upon the SHOOT AND KILL persona of the protagonist.  But they fail to reveal the mental and physical trauma, he undergoes in order to get things right.

The ordeal he must face before he kills anyone, the lengths he must travel to get past his mission....

Spec Ops - just dazzles here. It scores a perfect 10 in the portrayal of the characters....


                    Dubai is hit by worst storms ever. Big Shots of the city escape leaving the common man stranded in the desert storm. Captain Konrad, friend and mentor of Walker owes to save the citizens with decorated 33rd battalion. But no news come from or from his fellow mates. But Weeks later, US Army receives distress call from Konrad and sends Walker along with Lugo and Adams as partners to rescue........

What seemed to be a Simple rescue mission ... turns into a unimaginable horror !!!!

Sunday 31 March 2013



WTF ..... These were the words that i iterated again and again after i watched BattleField 4.


No other game has been able to knock me off the chairs while played, but BF4 threw me out with a bewildering gasp.

I was elevated to high peaks (still to come down) with its power of technical brilliance.

It was hard for me to believe, whether I was watching a real battle or its the game. Such was the quality DICE had put up to display.

EA announced that it has used all of its FrostBite 3 capacity to build such visuals and it was evident in the gameplay.


FISHING IN BAKU - made me felt like I was in as real battlefield fighting against mountains of enemies along with fellow soldiers Irish,Sergeant Dunn and Pac.

It took nearly a week to get BattleField out of my mind and 


        Gameplay sequence starts with "Wrecker" - protagonist along with his fellow mates Dunn, Pac and Irish  on a jeep, drowning. Dunn orders Wrecker to shoot the driver glass to escape while others reject this order.
                Suddenly, game rewinds 17 minutes showing the events that led them to their drowning.

Gameplay packs up all the elements like Adrenaline pumping gun fights, nerve wrecking copter battle and brain smashing car chase and it literally uses all the nail biting elements, leaving nothing behind. 

The final cut scenes promised us with more nail bitters like car-crashing and sea battle.

Battlefield 4 promises us that there is more in the stores to be delivered to us. Which, I am sure that it well has !!!

Friday 22 March 2013

S # ! T Happens

   S#!T things happens to all of us ... But it's time of occurrence always hurts us the most.

 The most you expect ... Least you get is the worst thing that disappoints you to the core.

The Games are not exception to this topic. It pulled out astonishing surprises as well as produced shit that was shocking to all of us. Even the reputed have fallen into this pit hole.

What I mean here is the sequels (crappy ones) to the best games that we have ever played in our life. Those sequels were bad to the extent that even ruined the game's reputation, hurting the industry where it pains.

Lets us see the TOP #3 shit sequels that destroyed everything it owned...

Monday 18 March 2013

Ascension Descending


"GOD OF WAR", the Epic Game which never failed in presenting us an unusual experience of awe and wonder is back to make the audience sink into its world.

ASCENSION is the latest outing of blood busy kratos in Greece to kill Ares to free his bond to Gods.


Story traces Ares trickery on kratos to kill his family. In fury, Kratos refuses to abide by Ares making him the target of imprisonment by Three Furies. In Prison, With Help of Oath Keeper Orkos, Kratos learns about Ares evil plans to overthrow Olympus and escapes from prison. He starts his bloody quest and ends by killing all the three furies, but fate has some other plans for him....

Story has much emphasis on Kratos's emotional side which we havenot experienced in previous games, but the question is that "Has the emotional content has been crafted well?"