Monday 29 April 2013

Spec Ops: The Line --- Tragic "Hero"

I didn't know this game even existed until I borrowed this game by friend. I played the game with no expectations at all. But after i completed it, i just got caught in it's warp.

The game had the most unique element in it which were achieved only by few games.

Most of the war games that had great outing focused mainly upon the SHOOT AND KILL persona of the protagonist.  But they fail to reveal the mental and physical trauma, he undergoes in order to get things right.

The ordeal he must face before he kills anyone, the lengths he must travel to get past his mission....

Spec Ops - just dazzles here. It scores a perfect 10 in the portrayal of the characters....


                    Dubai is hit by worst storms ever. Big Shots of the city escape leaving the common man stranded in the desert storm. Captain Konrad, friend and mentor of Walker owes to save the citizens with decorated 33rd battalion. But no news come from or from his fellow mates. But Weeks later, US Army receives distress call from Konrad and sends Walker along with Lugo and Adams as partners to rescue........

What seemed to be a Simple rescue mission ... turns into a unimaginable horror !!!!